“Do not go where the path may lead,

go instead where there is no path & leave a Trail.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Vedic Astrology


Vedic Astrology brings to light the information of the gods and celestial bodies and how they relate to our individual human experiences and environment. It gives us knowledge and understanding into the planetary transits and influences at the time of our birth as well as their continued relevance and effects today on our daily lives. It connects us to the divinity present within us and to the zodiac signs and the planets associated with them. The Vedic Astrology reading offers a unique and in-depth perspective into our lives with a strong intuitive influence upon the information provided along with creating your Vedic horoscope and additional write-up information. Your horoscope information is put together based on strong research and a know-how of the interaction and relationship between you and the planets in our celestial sky. The field of Vedic Astrology brings together psychology, planetary cycles, inter-personal relationships, life patterns and astronomy into one place.

Ancient Numerology


Numerology uses the science of numbers as a key to human personality. A numerology reading offers an individual with pointed information towards their behavior and life patterns. Each number is influenced by their unique qualities in a certain environment. Numerology unlocks hidden information providing one a clearer perspective about a specific subject matter. It reveals key information regarding an individual’s personality traits and interests associated with their numbers. An experienced numerologist shares the science of numbers to light the path for others. Numerology links the celestial bodies to human understanding and conduct. Objects in our world are associated with the nine planets. Numerology provides the knowledge towards how to select the right time, the right relationships, the right place to live and the right kind of work. With numerology’s guidance one explores the unknown along with becoming more precise in their decision-making and day-to-day activities.



Palmistry provides us with insights into an individual’s unique personality, character traits, psychology, health, along with their mental and emotional makeup through the study of the shape, size and lines of their hands and fingers. The lines on each of the palm of the hands, along with the shape of the hands and the shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb give us a window into a deeper understanding about an individual and their characteristics. Each hand’s lines and shapes reveal important information in relationship to a destiny one is born with (left hand for men; right hand for women) to then the direction one’s life has taken (right hand for men; left hand for women). The major lines on the palm of each hand include the heart line, life line, education / intellect line and the career line along with other lines, shapes and markings representing a person’s intuition, wisdom, spirituality, connection to specific star constellations and psychic abilities.

Guided Meditations, Chakra Balancing & Healing


The Guided Meditations offer clairvoyance, inner healing and create harmony with the well-known seven energy chakra centers and the eighth cosmic light energy chakra field. They offer a variety of tools for self-help, stress management and increasing self-confidence. These meditations create a greater abundance in your life and formulate pathways towards higher capacity of manifestations in your career and life path. Offered for individual as well as groups.

Third-Eye Channel Meditations


This distinctive meditation encompasses channeling cosmic light energy through the third-eye chakra to bring into balance the soul's energy with our seven energy chakra centers. It also creates an openness and an awareness towards the universal consciousness and cosmic energy field existing within and around us for guidance and support. This unique method offers tools for clearing your energy centers for creating a life filled with prosperity and manifesting abundance in many ways. Individual or group sessions offered with over 21 years of experience.

Prayer Ceremonies (Home / office)


A variety of prayer ceremony services are offered for your home and/or office space. Each prayer ceremony is distinctive in relation to the client’s request and the specific need of the individual and/or family. All the prayer ceremonies encompass a unique combination of reciting sacred mantras, chanting vedic verses, sound vibrations, and invocations; to invite and seek the presence as well as the blessings of the gods and goddesses into the household and/or work space. It also involves working with the ten directions and their directional deities for your space. For certain special prayer requests, a fire sacrifice ceremony is also recommended. The reason for performing these prayer ceremonies is to bring auspiciousness, prosperity, health & healing along with creating a more peaceful & harmonious environment within the home and/or office space. These prayers are also conducted to remove any obstacles and/or difficulties that stand in the way for you to excel in life and to be able to use your environment to realize your highest potential.

Much love - thank you for sharing your knowledge and gifts with me - you are remarkable.
— Mary, Sacramento, California